Elsevier · Breed, Moore: Animal Behavior, 1st Edition · Welcome


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Welcome to the website for Breed, Moore: Animal Behavior, 1st Edition.

Animal Behavior

The Animal Behavior site consists of an Image Collection, Glossary, Twitter link, and Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior web link.

Instructor resources can be found at http://textbooks.elsevier.com/web/Login.aspx, and it is password protected. Please contact your sales representative at textbooks@elsevier.com for access to the insturctor resources.

Image Collection


Twitter link

Dr Mike Breed posts, on average, about twice a week on a wide range of topics. You can sign up to follow the feed and you can continue to follow the feed after your course is completed. Most of the postings are gleaned from news articles highlighting current research. The news articles provide the students accessible explanations for exciting current findings in the field and can form the basis for discussions. In addition, the published papers on which the news accounts are based can be used as supplemental reading.

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior web link

    The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior is a comprehensive reference that covers not only the usual topics such as communication, learning, sexual selection, navigation and the history of the field, but also emerging topics in cognition, animal welfare, conservation and applications of animal behavior. Visit this website for a full contents list, sample chapters, and useful links. www.elsevierdirect.com/eab


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