Elevation (m) XXX XXX Pressure (kPa) XXX XXX Pressure (mm Hg) XXX760.00 XXX Pressure (mbar) XXX XXX Pressure (atm) XXX XXX Temperature ('C) XXX20.00000XXX Salinity (g/kg) XXX35.00000XXX Oxygen XXX50.000 XXX XXX Nitrogen XXX XXX XXX Argon XXX XXX XXX Carbon Dioxide XXX XXX XXX Helium XXX100.0 XXX XXX Neon XXX XXX XXX Krypton XXX XXX XXX Xenon XXX XXX XXX Hydrogen XXX XXX XXX Methane XXX10.0 XXX XXX Nitrous Oxide XXX XXX XXX (1)Atmospheric pressure can be specified in terms of elevation,kPa, mm Hg, mbar, or atm. Enter only one! (2) The mole fraction for each gas can be specified as either percent or uatm. Enter only one!