Elsevier · Winterbone and Turan: Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers · Welcome


Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers
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Welcome to the website for Winterbone and Turan: Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, 2nd Edition.

The web version of the book contains the following material: (Input files: Chap 1+probs.pdf, Chap2+probs.pdf, Chap3A.pdf, Solutions).

  • A web version of the text for chapters 1 and 2. The differences from the printed version are described below.
  • The computer programs used to calculate material in the text
  • The solutions to the problems in the book.

Chapter 1's final version for the second edition print and eBook has been condensed to remove information on the basics of thermodynamics, which felt appropriate for newcomers to the field. The web version of this chapter contains the material previously cut from the print edition in full chapter form, including the problems from this revised chapter.

Chapter 2's final version for the second edition print and eBook has also been condensed. This web version contains the fully revised chapter.


Two programs are introduced in the text.(Input file: Programs.zip)

  1. EQUIL2 – introduced in Chap 12
  2. SPIE – introduced in Chap 16

Compiled versions of both these programs are included, along with their instructions. These programs have been adapted for use with this book. A lot of the examples in the relevant chapters can/do use these programs.