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MSP430 Microcontroller Basics

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This page provides links to supporting documents for the book MSP430 Microcontroller Basics by John H. Davies.

MSP430 Microcontroller Basics

John H. Davies

This page provides links to supporting documents for the book MSP430 Microcontroller Basics by John H. Davies:

  • Code files for examples in book
  • Solutions to examples
  • Links to web sites for information on hardware and development software
  • Suggestions for home-made demonstration boards
  • Problems and suggestions

Code files for examples in book

Please download the zipped archive jhdcode.zip, which contains the code files used for all the example programs in the book. The files were read into the main text when the book was produced. Their contents should therefore match the book exactly, unless something terrible has gone wrong! Further details are given in jhdcode.pdf, which also explains how to solve any problems that might arise when you use the files on your computer.

Solutions to examples

Solutions to odd-numbered examples are available in jhdoddans.pdf and the corresponding programs are in jhdoddans.zip. Solutions to the remaining examples are available on the instructors-only web page.

Links to web sites for information on hardware and development software

Texas Instruments

You will need to download data sheets and family user's guides for the MSP430 devices that you use. This is essential because I deliberately avoided quoting material from these documents in the book, except in a few introductory cases. The home page for Texas Instruments Incorporated is at www.ti.com and there is a shortcut www.ti.com/msp430 to the main page for the MSP430. This page contains links to general information including the product brochure and technical documents. There are several links for support and training, including a section on Getting Started. Further pages provide:

  • Information on the range of MSP430 devices available, which leads to the data sheet and errata for each device
  • User's guides
  • Application notes
  • Tools and software, including links to development environments and hardware tools. Two free integrated development environments can be downloaded:
    • IAR Embedded Workbench KickStart Edition
    • TI Code Composer Essentials
  • Code Examples


I used the development environment from IAR Systems for all the examples in the book. The home page for the company is at www.iar.com and IAR Embedded Workbench for TI MSP430 (EW430) can be found at www.iar.com/ew430. The free KickStart edition of EW430 can be downloaded from this page or from the TI web site.

Suggestions for home-made demonstration boards

Take a look through demoboards.pdf if you are thinking of building your own demonstration board. I have described two small boards that I built on stripboard for the F20xx devices, which are available in plastic dual-in-line packages. One is very simple indeed, with only pushbuttons and LEDs. The second illustrates the full range of analog inputs provided by these devices including Comparator_A, ADC10 and SD16_A.

Problems and suggestions

A book on microcontrollers will almost inevitably become out of date as soon as it leaves its author's hands (or keyboard) because the products advance so rapidly. I know already that this book is no exception because Texas Instruments will release the MSP430F5xx family while this book is in production. It is also hopeless to expect that there are no mistakes in a book of this size so please send me a note if you spot an error. I'll collect a list of errata here.

I'd also be delighted to receive your comments on the book, particularly suggestions for how it might be improved if it is so lucky to require a second edition. Again, please send me a note.

John Davies


  • msperrata.pdf

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