Introduction to Criminal Justice, 7th Edition

Case Studies with Questions and Answers

Chapter 11: Problems and Issues in Incarceration

Tom is the warden of a private prison. Basically, he is the CEO of a self-sustaining company. His prison houses medium-security male prisoners from across the state. They receive only a relatively small amount of money from the state government from a contract to take their prisoners. This is saving the taxpayers millions of dollars in building and prisoner fees. With the economy in a lag, governments have little money to go around and any savings that are found are helpful. This isn't just a small amount of savings either. This is making a big dent in the corrections budget for the state.

The prison is run much like a business. Tom enters into no agreements or company changes without knowing how it will be paid for. The prison is completely self-sustaining. The prisoners grow their own food in a farming area inside the prison. They produce more than they need and sell the rest to local markets. They raise cattle, pigs, and chickens for slaughter. That food is enough to feed them and sell to local markets as well. The prisoners also build furniture and sell it for a profit. Every prisoner who is able to work, does work to keep the prison operating. They clean and cook as well. The prison is also a good place to work and brought many jobs to a location that was failing because of local plants shutting down. The prison is now making it thrive again.

But Tom is still being questioned thoroughly, by the state and other officials. Who is responsible if a prisoner escapes and commits another crime? Who is liable if a prison guard is hurt? Will Tom let his guards carry weapons?


  1. Do you think private prisons solve problems or create new ones?
  2. Correct Answer

    They solve overcrowding and financial burdens for the states, but also create other concerns such as liability.

  3. Should the state be worried about who is blamed or held liable for a prison escape?
  4. Correct Answer

    Yes, because the public will hold them liable whether they are or not. The fact that the private prison is contracted by the state should solve the liability issue. It should be laid out in the contract.

  5. If you were Tom, would you allow your guards to carry weapons? Generally, prison guards do not carry guns.

    Correct Answer

    This is an opinion answer. Maybe they would allow it for guard safety. Maybe they would not allow it because the guards could actually be endangered if a prisoner were to take one of the weapons.