Whitehead: Juvenile Justice, 7th Edition

Case Studies with Questions and Answers

Chapter 04: Sociological Explanations of Delinquency

Ben is a high school senior who has struggled in school throughout much of his academic career. A combination of low grades and inappropriate friends seemed to put him on a path to delinquency early in life. In grade school, he started out doing quite well and even dreaming of being a police officer, but family issues and the family's lack of positive attitudes about education seem to have finally caught up with him. Ben's father has been in and out of jail for Ben's entire life, and when the father is home, he is not supportive of Ben's academics and seems only to cause problems.

Beginning in seventh grade, Ben began hanging out with a tough crowd. They frequently shoplifted and smoked marijuana. As the years went by, they progressed to prescription pills and harder drugs like crack. In order to pay for his new drug habit, Ben has broken into many of the homes of his former middle-class friends. His attitude is very cavalier when he discusses the robberies. He feels the families he stole from didn't need the money or the items he stole. They are financially well off enough to buy replacements.

The teachers at Ben's school are worried that this once bright and optimistic child will never straighten his life out. They are afraid that his friends and family will keep him from attaining the dreams he once had. It is a story they are all too familiar with and fight to keep from happening every day.


  1. Which theories of delinquency are evident in Ben's story? How did they affect him?
  2. Correct Answer

    Differential association, a theory that posits that criminal behavior is learned, is evident because of his father's criminal history. Subculture theories, Techniques of Neutralization, and Miller's focal concerns may also be operational.

  3. How has Ben overcome the concepts of labeling theory and the looking-glass self in this story?
  4. Correct Answer

    His teachers seem to believe in him even though his actions are not what they used to be. They do not seem to have labeled him as deviant.

  5. What methods might Ben's teachers use to help turn him around? List any concepts in the theories in Chapter 4 that might help.
  6. Correct Answer

    They should continue to treat him like other students, i.e., not labeling him as delinquent. If they show that they care, he might begin to change his focal concerns to more middle-class concerns.

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