Whitehead: Juvenile Justice, 7th Edition

Case Studies with Questions and Answers

Chapter 05: Gang Delinquency

Case Study 1

The community is up in arms about what it sees as an emerging gang problem. An increasing number of youths are displaying gang colors and flashing hand signs that appear to be gang-related. School officials are also reporting evidence of gang activity, with gang colors, gang signs, and admitted gang affiliation among students. These anecdotal reports are fueling rising concerns over public safety.


  1. Is it realistic that the community is suddenly being inundated with gangs and gang problems?
  2. Correct Answer

    The most likely situation is that the community has denied an emerging gang problem for some time. Recent events are simply making it appear that gangs are a new problem.

  3. What reasons are there for youths to be turning to gangs? In other words, why are youths joining the gangs?
  4. Correct Answer

    Youths join gangs for the same reasons they join any group. They are looking for a support network, seeking status and belonging, and perhaps looking for feelings of success.

  5. Perhaps the first step in addressing this perceived problem is to assess the extent of the problem. How would you do this?
  6. Correct Answer

    Assessing the extent of gangs and ganging can be done through a variety of sources. Police data and key informants can provide some insight, but these generally are not totally accurate. Surveys of youths can offer good insight, but are limited by problems of reaching some youths who are in the gangs.

Case Study 2

Gang crime is becoming pervasive in the community. The amount of crime attributed to gang members is growing, and events like drive-by shootings are becoming more common. The community is demanding that the police and courts get tough on gangs. Parents and the schools argue that getting tough will be effective in disbanding the gangs.


  1. What are the most common police and system responses to gang activity? What is the least common response?
  2. Correct Answer

    The most common response is suppression, particularly by police action. This is followed by working with gangs in the community. The least used response is providing opportunities for jobs and education.

  3. What is considered to be the most effective intervention by law enforcement officials for responding to gangs?
  4. Correct Answer

    Opportunities provision is considered the most promising and effective intervention.

  5. Name the most common educational intervention for ganging and tell what impact it has had.
  6. Correct Answer

    Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) is the most widely used educational intervention. Recent evaluations show promise at reducing aggression and gang membership.

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