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Silicon-Based Materials and Devices

Silicon-Based Materials and Devices


Many industries around the world are engaged in silicon-based technology for the new millennium because these materials have broad applications in both electronic and photonic technologies. The present microelectronics technology is based on silicon materials and they are expected to play an even more significant role in next generation technology.

Silicon-Based Materials and Devices presents a highly coherent coverage to this subject in a single reference and demonstrates how silicon-based materials play an important role in current electronic and photonic technologies. The different topics covered in this book include amorphous silicon dioxide, related issues on reliability and novel applications, non-crystalline and nanostructured silicon-based alloys, amorphous silicon carbide films, silicon carbon nitrides, silicon carbide related materials, kinetics of silicon chemical vapor deposition from silane and chlorosilane, magnetic properties of spark-processed silicon, wet-chemical conditioning of silicon, optical and electron spin resonance properties of point defects in silica, refractive index of silica glasses. The applications of silicon-based materials in electronic and photonics have been extensively discussed. The various topics include porous silica microvativities, polycrystalline silicon-based thin film transistors for integrated active-matrix liquid-crystal displays, light emission in silicon and erbium in silicon and silicon-germanium.

This reference should be a valuable resource for scientists, engineers, and graduate students working in solid state physics, materials science, chemistry, electrical and electronic engineering, optical engineering, microelectronics, data storage, information technology and semiconductor technology.

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