Volume 1: Vision
Amacrine Cells
Blue-On Cells
Central Processing of Visual Information in Insects
Circuit Functions of Gap Junctions in the Mammalian Retina
Color in Invertebrate Vision
Contributions of Bipolar Cells to Ganglion Cell Receptive Fields
Contributions of Horizontal Cells
Decomposing a Cone's Output (Parallel Processing)
Direction-Selective Cells
Evolution of Vertebrate Eyes
Functional Maps in Visual Cortex: Topographic, Modular and Columnar Organizations
Mammalian Photopigments
Mammalian Rod Pathways
Melanopsin Cells
Mosaics, Tiling and Coverage by Retinal Neurons
Neural Mechanisms of Natural Scene Perception
Organization of Human Visual Cortex
Phototransduction in Microvillar Photoreceptors of Drosophila and Other Invertebrates
Phototransduction in Rods and Cones
Plasticity of Retinal Circuitry
Pupillary Control Pathways
Retinal Ganglion-Cell Types and Their Central Projections
Seeing in the Dark: Retinal Processing and Absolute Visual Threshold
The P, M and K Streams of the Primate Visual System:
What Do They Do for Vision?
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
The Visual System and Its Stimuli
The Visual Thalamus
Vision in Birds
Vision in Fish
Visual Ecology
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Volume 2: Vision, II
Biological Motion Perception
Chromatic Detection and Discrimination
Color Appearance
Cortical Mechanisms for the Integration of Visual Motion
Cortical Processing of Visual Motion
Face Recognition
High-level Visual Processing
Lightness Perception and Filling-in
Luminance Sensitivity and Contrast Detection
Motion Detection Mechanisms
Nocturnal Vision
Object-Based Attention
Optic Flow
Perceptual Learning
Spectral Sensitivity
Temporal Coherence: a Versatile Code for the Definition of Relations
The VOR : a Model for Visual-Motor Plasticity
Three-Dimensional Shape: Cortical Mechanisms of Shape Extraction
Transparency and Occlusion
Visual Attention and Saccadic Eye Movements
Visual Search
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Volume 3: Audition
Acoustic Startle in Mice and Rats
Afferent Synaptic Mechanisms
Amplification and Feedback in Invertebrates
Auditory Map Plasticity in Juvenile and Adult Owls
Auditory Processing in the Bat Medial Superior Olive
Auditory Scene Analysis
Biophysical Specializations of Neurons that Encode Timing
Biophysics of Chordotonal Organs
Brain Mechanisms of Sound Localization in Barn Owls
Central Synapses that Preserve Auditory Timing
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear Receptor Potentials
Efferent System
Encoding of Interaural Level Differences for Sound Localization
Encoding of Interaural Timing for Binaural Hearing
Evolution of the Middle Ear and Inner Ear in Vertebrates
Genetic Hearing Loss
Genetics of Mechanoreceptor Evolution and Development
Hair Cell Transduction and Adaptation: Physiology and Molecular Mechanisms
Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids: a Perspective
High Frequency Hearing
Homeostasis of the Inner Ear
Human Auditory Development
Inputs to the Inferior Colliculus
Insect Ears
Interconnections Between the Ears in Nonmammalian Vertebrates
Invertebrate Auditory Pathways
Manifestations of Cochlear Events in the Auditory Brain-stem Response and its
Clinical Applications
Mechano-Acoustical Transformations
Ménière’s Disease
Molecular Anatomy of Receptor Cells and Organ of Corti
Monaural Sound Localization Using Spectral Cues
Otoacoustic Emissions
Overview of Treatment of Hearing Loss
Perception of Speech Sounds
Perspectives on Auditory Neuropathy: Disorders of Inner Hair Cell, Auditory Nerve,
and their Synapse
Phylogeny and Evolution of ciliated mechano-receptor cells
Pitch Perception
Sensory Ecology of Hearing
Sensory Regeneration in the Vertebrate Ear
Sleep and Memory Consolidation in Audition
Sound Localization and the Auditory Cortex
Sound Localization in Insects
The Bat Cochlea
The Functional Neuroanatomy of the Auditory Cortex
The Nuclei of the Lateral Lemniscus: Two Functional Systems
Treatment of Hearing Loss: Viral Transfection
Underwater Hearing
Vertebrate Auditory Pathways
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Volume 4: Olfaction and Taste
A Perspective on Chemosensory Quality Coding
Accessory Olfactory System
Amiloride-Sensitive Ion channels
Aquatic Animal Models in the Study of Chemoreception
Architecture of the Olfactory Bulb
Behavioral Analysis of Taste
Central Neural Processing of Taste Information
Chemistry of Gustatory Stimuli
Development of the Taste System
Disorders of Taste and Smell
Dopamine Release by Sucrose
Flavor Aversion Learning
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Study of Taste
Genetics and Evolution of Taste
Genomics of Invertebrate Olfaction
Genomics of Odor Receptors in Zebrafish
Genomics of Vomeronasal Receptors
Gustatory Pathways in Fish and Mammals
Human Olfactory Psychophysics
Insect Gustatory Systems
Insect Olfaction
Modeling of Olfactory Processing
Neural Ensembles in Taste Coding
Neurotransmitters in the Taste Pathway
Odor Plumes and Animal Orientation
Olfactory Cortex
Olfactory Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channels
Oral Chemesthesis and Taste
Phylogeny of Chemical Sensitivity
Physiology of the Main Olfactory Bulb
Propylthiouracil (PROP) Taste
Regeneration in the Olfactory Bulb
Regeneration of the Olfactory Epithelium
Regulation of Expression of Odorant Receptor Genes
Roles of Taste in Feeding and Reward
Salt Taste
Signal Transduction in the Olfactory Receptor Cell
Structure, Expression, and Function of Olfactory Receptors
Taste Analgesia in Newborns
Taste Receptors
Taste Transduction
The Aging Gustatory System
The Representation of Flavor in the Brain
The Sweet Taste of Childhood
Ultrastructure of Taste Buds
Understanding Olfactory Coding via an Analysis of Odorant-Evoked Glomerular Response
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Volume 5: Pain
Anatomy of Nociceptors
Animal Models and Neuropathic Pain
Appropriate/Inappropriate Developed "Pain" Paths
Ascending Pathways: Anatomy and Physiology
Assaying Pain-Related Genes: Preclinical and Clinical Correlates
Assessing Pain in Animals
Autonomic Nervous System and Pain
Complex Regional Pain Syndromes
Consciousness and Pain
Descending Control Mechanisms
Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC)
Dorsal Columns and Visceral Pain
Ectopic Generators
Emotional and Behavioral Significance of the Pain Signal and the Role of the
Midbrain Periaqueductal Gray (PAG)
Evolutionary Aspects of Pain
Forebrain Opiates
Glycine Receptors
Human Insular Recording and Stimulation
Hypnotic Analgesia
Immune System, Pain and Analgesia
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Long-Term Potentiation in Pain Pathways
Mechanisms of Glial Activation after Nerve Injury
Migraine - A Disorder Involving Trigeminal Brainstem Mechanisms
Molecular Biology of the Nociceptor/Transduction
Morphological and Neurochemical Organization of the Spinal Dorsal Horn
Neurogenic Inflammation in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Neuropathic Pain: Basic Mechanisms (Animal)
Neuropathic Pain: Clinical
Neurotrophins and Pain
Nociceptive Processing in the Cerebral Cortex
Pain Control: A Child-Centered Approach
Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury
Pain in Childbirth
Pain Perception-Nociception During Sleep
Pain Theories
Phantom Limb Pain
Pharmacological Modulation of Pain
Physiology of Nociceptors
Post Stroke Pain
Psychological Modulation of Pain
Psychophysics of Pain
Psychophysics of Sensations Evoked by Stimulation of the Human Central Nervous
Redheads and Pain
Sex, Gender and Pain
Sodium Channels
Spinal Cord Mechanisms of Hyperalgesia and Allodynia
Spinal Cord Physiology of Nociception
Sprouting in Dorsal Root Ganglia
Sympathetic Blocks for Pain
The Adequate Stimulus
The Brainstem and Nociceptive Modulation
The Development of Nociceptive Systems
The Placebo Effect
The Rostral Agranular Insular Cortex
The Thalamus and Nociceptive Processing
Thermal Sensation (Cold and Heat)
Tooth Pain
Trigeminal Mechanisms of Nociception: Peripheral and Brainstem Organization
Urothelium as a Pain Organ
Vagal Afferent Neurons and Pain
Visceral Pain
What is a wide-dynamic-range Cell?
Zoster-Associated Pain and Nociceptors
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Volume 6: Somatosensation
Coding of Object Shape and Texture
Cross-Modal and Multisensory Interactions Between Vision and Touch
Cutaneous Mechanisms of Tactile Perception: Morphological and Chemical Organization
of the Innervation to the Skin
Development of the Somatosensory Cortex and Patterning of Afferent Projections
Dorsal and Ventral Streams in the Sense of Touch
Intrinsic Signal Imaging of Somatosensory Function in Nonhuman Primates
Merkel Cells
Physiological Characteristics of Second-Order Somatosensory Circuits in Spinal
Cord and Brainstem
Physiological Responses of Sensory Afferents in Glabrous and Hairy Skin of Humans
and Monkeys
Plasticity of Somatosensory Function during Learning, Disease and Injury
Role of Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Perceptual Touch Detection and Discrimination
Somatosensation in Invertebrates
Somatosensory Areas of the Cerebral Cortex: Architectonic Characteristics and
Modular Organization
Specialized Somatosensory Systems
Tactile Sensory Control of Object Manipulation in Humans
The Evolution of Parietal Areas Involved in Hand Use in Primates
The Somatosensory Thalamus and Associated Pathways
Twenty-Five Years of Multielectrode Recordings in the Somatosensory System: It
is all about Dynamics
Visual Deprivation Effects on Somatosensory and Visual Systems: Behavioral and
Cortical Changes >>Back to top |