Author Affiliations
Michael Melvin, BlackRock Inc., San Francisco, CA, and University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Michael Melvin is Managing Director and Head of Currency and Fixed Income Research in the Global Market Strategies Group at BlackRock in San Francisco. He also serves as lecturer in finance at the University of California, Berkeley in the Masters of Financial Engineering program. He has been a visiting scholar at the IMF, Federal Reserve Board, and Center for Economic Studies at the University of Munich; and a visiting professor at UCLA; the University of California, San Diego; Northwestern University; and the University of Frankfurt. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Germany; served as coeditor of the Journal of International Money and Finance; and was Professor of Economics at Arizona State University prior to joining BlackRock. His PhD is from UCLA and he has had many papers published in the top scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Finance and American Economic Review.
Stefan Norrbin, Department of Economics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
Stefan Norrbin is Professor of Economics and Director of the M.S. in Applied Economics at Florida State University. He has taught international finance, in both economics and finance departments, at all levels including: undergraduate, MBA, M.S. and Ph.D. courses. His teaching has received numerous university-wide awards. Prior to joining Florida State University, Stefan was a consultant at McKinsey & Co. specializing in financial institutions. He has been a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, the Central Bank of Sweden, University of Copenhagen, and Lund University in Sweden. Stefan has also been a visiting professor at University of Hawaii, the Beeson Professor of Business at Samford University and Assistant Professor at University of Alabama. He has a broad research agenda in international finance, applied econometrics and applied macroeconomics, with articles in leading journals such as Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Monetary Economics and Journal of International Economics. Stefan received his A.B. degree from Brown University and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Arizona State University.