Welcome to the website for DiStefano III, J: Dynamic Systems Biology Modeling and Simulation.
Companion Lecture Slides for Courses Taught from
Dynamic Systems Biology Modeling and Simulation (DSBMS)
JJ DiStefano III -Academic Press/Elsevier 2015
A full set of PowerPoint slides are available from the author for teaching from his textbook. He uses them to teach a 10 week quarter upper division course at UCLA, which meets twice a week, so there are 20 lectures. They can easily be augmented or stretched for a 15 week semester course.
Importantly, the slides are editable, so they can be readily adapted to a lecturer’s personal style and course content needs. The lectures are based on excerpts from 12 of the first 13 chapters of DSBMS. They are designed to highlight the key course material, as a study guide and structure for students following the full text content.
The complete PowerPoint slide package (~25 MB) can be obtained by instructors (or prospective instructors) by emailing the author directly, at: joed@cs.ucla.edu
Errata & Addendum for the first printing of Dynamic Systems Biology Modeling and Simulation
Author: Joseph DiStefano III, Academic Press (December 2013)
The following corrections and additions are for inclusion in the first print version of the textbook. The electronic textbook includes these corrections and additions within the text. The list appears large, but most of the entries are additions of useful Tables of Contents (TOC) for the six Appendices, in two places. Most corrections are minor.
The December 2013 print version is no longer available for sale. These errata and addenda are corrected and included in the currently available and updated version of the textbook – in both printed and electronic versions – Updated Version JANUARY 2015.
Page | Location |
Correction |
v |
Under Dr. Yate’s comments – second line |
The line should read, “In that chapter you generously acknowledge some of us who tried to accomplish this earlier…” |
xii |
Chapter 14 title |
Biocontrol System Modeling, Simulation & Analysis |
xii |
Chapter 15 title |
Data-Driven Modeling & Alternative Hypothesis Testing |
xiii |
Chapter 16 title |
Experiment Design & Optimization |
xiii |
Chapter 17 title |
Model Reduction & Network Inference in Dynamic Systems Biology |
xiii |
Added TOC to Appendix A entries in main TOC |
xiii |
Added TOC to Appendix B entries in main TOC |
xiii |
Added TOC to Appendix C entries in main TOC |
xiii |
Added TOC to Appendix D entries in main TOC |
xiii |
Added TOC to Appendix E entries in main TOC |
xiii |
Added TOC to Appendix F entries in main TOC |
xvii |
Fourth line of item numbered 2. |
Add footnote on word “logo.” Footnote should read: Biomodeling/Theory+Data Images (The Logo: parent and children) are reproduced above and in the chapters and back cover of this book with permission by the author Joseph DiStefano III. It is a Trademark ™ and service mark of the author, Copyright © 2012. |
2 & 3 |
Humpty Dumpty |
Cartoon design by Allegra DiStefano. Quote attributed to Schnell et al. 2007. Also, the 1 in Humpty-Dumpty quote on bottom of page 3 should not be italicized. |
30 |
Fig. 1.9 |
Add to end of Figure legend: Biomodeling/Theory+Data Image (The Logo) is reproduced here and in other chapters and back cover of this book with permission by the author Joseph DiStefano III. It is a Trademark (TM) and service mark of the author, Copyright © 2012. |
41 |
Quotes |
Both quotes should be centered. |
61 |
Example 2.21 |
Typo: In Example 2.21, last equation should have dv/da replaced by dv/dt |
82 |
E2.3 |
Exercise 2.3 should begin with "Transform the equation in Exercise E2.1…." |
119 |
Numbered bullets |
Numbered bullets should be black, not red. |
141 |
E3.8 |
In the 6th line, the last equation should read: k1*=2k1 (lower case k) |
149 |
Just above Example 4.2 |
Inline equation for VBLOOD should be inverted: |
158 |
Table 4.1 |
The title of Table 4.1 should be in boldface. |
178 |
Last paragraph |
“If this assumption... “ should not be indented. |
239 |
Bullet 2. |
“ks” inside the matrix brackets also should be caps, i.e. cap K11, K21 and K22 |
245 |
Remark following Eq. (5.41) |
The “u” in u(t)should be boldface, reading as u(t). |
265 |
Volume & Temperature Effects |
Add another space between “V is” and |
273 |
3rd paragraph |
The “Km” in last sentence of the third paragraph should be italic Km |
274 |
Eq. 6.40 |
Equation number (6.40) should be black, not red. |
279 |
Eq. 6.46 |
Equation number (6.46) should be black, not red. |
279 |
Eq. 6.46 |
At the end of the top equation, the minus sign should have a space after it, to separate it from the s. |
291 |
1st paragraph |
Fifth line from the top, the cursive “s” should be a non-cursive, italicized “s” |
300 |
Under Eq. 6.90 |
The following phrase should be bolded as well as italicized to read: “the modern QSSA is simply: tC << tS.” |
323 |
Eqs. 7.25 & 7.26 |
(7.25) should have 0 1 1 -1 0 0. |
333 |
Just above Eq. 7.30 |
The space between x1 and x2 should be smaller (they multiply). |
355 |
Line 13 |
“larger (volumetric) plasma...” should read “smaller (volumetric) plasma...”. |
355 |
Line 16 |
Inline equation: Fp = FB / (1 – Hct) should read: Fp = FB(1 – Hct) (i.e. no slash, multiplication, not division) |
363 |
2nd remark |
The last words of the last line should read “ from Blood or Plasma is cAFCardiac.” The “X” “times” symbol is extraneous in this product of cA and FCardiac . |
369 |
Fig. 8.8 |
The figure legend should read as follows (i.e. with more matching caps): “Whole body PBTK model structure. Left: PBTK model with rate constants (kij day-1) shown on arrows. Right: Same model structure, but with whole-body Mn distribution (% of total) and Mn compartment interchange rates as mass fluxes (μg Mn/day) shown on arrows. The olfactory submodel nodes: OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM 1 (EP1), OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM 2 (EP2) and OLFACTORY BULB (BULB) (boxed in); brain compartments: OLFACTORY submodel components + STRIATUM, CEREBELLUM and brain-resto/olfactory tract and tubercle (B-RESTO/OTT) (boxed in). Whole body components (nodes) include (lumped) CENTRAL + LUNG1 + BLOOD, LUNG2, (lumped) Rest-of-body (RESTO), and (lumped) PANCREAS/TESTES/KIDNEY (P-T-K), and LIVER, (gray). EP2 and LUNG2 were needed to accommodate best 2-exponential fits to epithelium and lung data in preliminary analyses. Exogenous inputs are u1 into EPI and u2 into CENTRAL + LUNG1 + BLOOD. Measurements are from 8 of the 11 compartments, as shown.” |
371 |
Eq. 8.19 |
The lambda symbols should be closer to the parentheses. |
380 |
9 lines from bottom |
AUCP should be AUCp |
387 |
Last paragraph |
In the second to last line, “complete dissolution” should read “incomplete dissolution.” |
388 |
Relative bioavailability (RB) paragraph |
There should be a comma after “same route” to read as follows: Relative bioavailability (RB)of two different preparations (1 and 2) of the same drug, introduced via the same route, is defined as: |
388 |
Bioequivalence paragraph |
In the third line, BE should be italicized. |
391 |
Fig. 8.17 legend |
PR1 and PR2 should read “PR1” and “PR2” (matching the figure) respectively. |
391 |
Eq. (8.46) |
The Qs in (8.46) should both be lowercase. |
396 |
Example 8.11 |
There should be spaces between each of the three equation lines. |
428 |
Last sentence |
The sentence beginning on the last line and continuing onto the next page, first two lines, should be fully deleted, i.e. delete the entire sentence starting with, “A mode, however, has a “shape” (eigenvector) as well as a “frequency” (eigenvalue) component, so it is represented more completely as a two-dimensional function … each with its own ... and eigenvector vj.” |
429 |
1st paragraph |
Shorten to: “ A most important feature of linear modes is that they are a minimal set of invariants of the dynamical system and, for any set of ICs or input(s), the modes accurately capture essential system dynamics. Importantly, λj can be complex as well as real.” |
431 |
E9.2 a) |
[xeye]T should be corrected to read [xe ye]T (space out). |
432 |
E9.9 |
Another space should be added after ODEs: |
437 |
2nd paragraph |
In the last line, Kuo et al. should be corrected to Meshkat et al. |
437 |
Fig. 10.1 |
In the figure legend, “y” should be in green, like in the figure. |
442 |
3rd paragraph |
4th line from the bottom, Kuo should be replaced with Meshkat. |
444 |
Transfer Functions & SI |
There should be no comma before (10.7) in last line. |
451 |
First equation list |
All equations should be aligned. |
454 |
Eq. 10.60 |
Another space should be added before tє[t0, T] |
456 |
Eq. 10.68 |
The third equation line from the bottom should be centered. |
457 |
Eq. 10.70-10.75 |
There should be more line space separating each of these equations. |
460 |
Line between Eq. 10.90 and 10.91 |
Add another space between kjj, and j=2, .... |
462 |
Above Fig 10.7 |
Delete the 2 or 3 extra spaces after the first “<” symbol, in all rows. |
463 |
Top of the page |
Ditto. i.e. delete the 2 or 3 extra spaces after the first “<” symbol, in all rows. |
465 |
Eq. 10.100 |
Add more spaces after the comma, before t ≥ 0. |
470 |
Fig 10.10 caption |
Change “constrained” to “unconstrained” |
471 |
Fig 10.11 caption |
Change “unconstrained” to “constrained” |
478 |
5th line from the bottom |
Delete “a,b” in first reference and replace “Kuo” with “Meshkat” in second reference. |
486 |
Kuo, C., Meshkat, N., ... reference |
Reverse order of first two authors. |
494 |
Example 11.3 |
Add more line space between the two equation lines. |
497 |
1st sentence |
x(t,p) should read x(t, p) |
506 |
Example 11.7 |
RMS should be italicized in both places. |
512 |
Fig. 11.7 caption |
Figure legend should be deleted. |
514 |
Fig. 11.9 caption |
Figure legend should be deleted. |
515 |
Fig. 11.10 caption |
Figure legend should be deleted. |
515 |
Fig. 11.11 caption |
Figure legend should be deleted. |
531 |
Eqs. 12.13 & 12.14 |
Add a space between pj and fj. |
534 |
Eq. 12.26 |
Delete space between W and E in the middle of the equation. |
534 |
Eq. 12.29 |
Add a space between z1(t2) and z2(t2) |
535 |
Just above Eq. 12.32 |
Add a space between pP and a b c. |
544 |
Just below Eq. 12.46 |
Subscript j should be italicized. |
547 |
Example 12.5 |
p1 p2 p3 column headers should be moved slightly down. |
549 |
First Remark |
The parentheses in the Hessian matrix approximation equation should be larger, the same size as the contents. |
549 |
Just below Eq. 12.52 |
Paragraph should be left justified. |
549 |
Example 12.6 |
CORR should be italicized. |
550 |
Eq. 12.53 |
This equation should all be colored dark green. |
552 |
Blue header COV(p) |
(p) should be italicized. |
557 |
Von Neumann Quote |
Should be centered. |
592 |
E13.5 |
“50 units” should be replaced with “100%” |
594 |
Kuo, C., Meshkat, N., ... reference |
Reverse order of first two authors. |
604 |
Table 14.1 |
4th equation should be indented like the next 4. |
617 |
2nd line |
Insert square brackets in front of - a and after the root sign, before the / |
626 |
Last paragraph |
Second and third lines, delete “presence of”. |
627 |
Line 11 |
Delete comma after “consolidation” |
669 |
Kuo, C., Meshkat, N., ... reference |
Reverse order of first two authors |
679 |
Table 16.1 |
Hij and SI (within column headers) should be italicized. Also, insert line separators between numbered equations. |
682 |
Identifiability Analysis for Each Hij |
Hij should be italicized. |
683 |
Table 16.2 |
Table should read as attached file, including colors (and numbered 16.2, not 0.1).
687 |
Cutset Analysis Solution paragraph |
Each red superscript B should be italicized. |
687 |
Footnote |
Replace “Kuo” with “Meshkat.” |
689 |
2nd paragraph |
Italicized “dependent parameters” and “independent parameters” should be just boldface, no italicized. |
690 |
Blue section header |
kji should be italicized. |
694 |
Blue section header |
F should be italicized. |
697 |
Footnote 11 |
“Web site” should be one word. |
700 |
Last paragraph |
Kuo should be replaced with Meshkat. |
704 |
Kuo, C., Meshkat, N., reference |
Reverse order of first two authors |
710 |
Eq. 17.5 |
Subscripts should all be aligned. |
714 |
Just above Example 17.3 |
“web site” should be one word. |
720 |
Blue section header |
Add “(MPSA)” to end of the header. |
725 |
Under title |
Add TOC.
730 |
Example A.12 |
e-2t in the first step of the solution should be e-t. |
732 |
Example A.15 |
Last line of example (at top), comma should be close to the 0, not next to t ≤ 1 |
736 |
Eq. A.25 |
Shorten space between first two parts of the equation. Its a product. |
740 |
Under title |
Add TOC.
759 |
Under title |
779 |
Eq. C.78 |
Under the matrices, change “= cΓ11” to “=cγ11” (upper to lower case gamma) |
784 |
SISO Models – first sentence |
Change “y = cTu” to “y = cTx” |
787 |
Under title |
Add TOC.
787 |
1st line under Controllability |
Change “iff” to “(iff)” |
804 |
2nd paragraph |
First letter of the last line of the second paragraph – change “N” to “N”. |
809 |
Under title |
Add TOC.
811 |
In Other Words |
Bold italic “In Other Words:” |
833 |
Under title |
Add TOC.