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Welcome to the website for Mortimer, R: Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 1st Editionst Edition.

Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, Fourth Edition, includes everything a student of physical chemistry needs to know about mathematics. Unlike other textbooks taught from a mathematician’s point of view and focused on mathematical theory, this book emphasizes the applications of mathematics to physical chemistry. This book is constructed around a sequence of mathematical topics with a gradual progression into more advanced material. It uses a problem-solving approach, an important tool in learning mathematics and physical chemistry. Each chapter begins with a list of principle facts, ideas, and objectives and ends with a list of problems. Solved examples and exercises are interspersed throughout the chapters. This book is an ideal required, supplementary, or self-study textbook for physical chemistry students or reference for graduates, researchers, and practicing chemists.

Key features:

  • Bridges the gap between theoretical mathematics and the actual use of mathematics in physical chemistry courses
  • Focuses on applications, allowing you to begin using the techniques immediately
  • Uses plain language for greater clarity and comprehension
  • Features illustrations that allow you to visualize problems
  • Includes worked examples that provide patterns and help make self study more efficient

New to this edition:

  • New exercises in each chapter provide practice in a technique immediately after discussion or example and encourage self study
  • Expanded sections on computer techniques include discussions of Excel and Mathematical
  • A solutions manual with answers to all problems is available on our companion website at booksite.elsevier.com/9780124158092

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