Welcome to the website for Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis. László and Barbara are currently working on the second edition of the book (SANROS 2). This project is ambitious and you can read about the major goals by clicking on the Project Goals link.
The two key aspects of the project are to:
(a) incorporate around 100 new named reactions and
(b) provide brand new synthetic examples for all original 250 named reactions.
Given the continued popularity and widespread use of the book worldwide, we decided to ask the organic chemistry community at large (e.g., students, postdocs, professors, researchers in the pharma and biotech industries) to send in their suggestions for both new named reactions and corresponding synthetic examples as well as new synthetic examples for those reactions currently in the first edition of SANROS. We believe that this way the new edition will reflect more diverse named organic transformations and synthetic examples than we could otherwise achieve on our own.
In order to facilitate the submission of suggested new reactions and examples, we created online forms that will send the form contents directly to the authors. As a way to thank the contributors whose suggested new named reaction and/or new synthetic example gets incorporated in the new edition, their names and affiliation will be listed in the Front Matter of the book. Moreover, the first 20 most prolific contributors, will get a free copy of SANROS 2 signed by both authors upon its publication.
We also provide herein a downloadable ChemDraw Template that can be used to submit a suggested new named reaction or synthetic application. Using this template will help the authors in the selection process when considering which suggested example or reaction to incorporate.
Finally, the PDF file for two new named reactions are also listed on this webpage that can be downloaded. The new format has not been finalized but SANROS 2 will stick to the successful 2-page format.
The authors thank the organic chemistry community for the many helpful suggestions, corrections and feedback during the past 12 years and looking forward to receiving many great suggestions for new named reactions and synthetic examples to be incorporated in SANROS 2.
- Submit named reactions
- Submit synthetic examples
- Report errors
- Suggest changes or improvements
- Tell us how the book helped you
- Gassman Indole and Oxindole Synthesis
- WBM Alkylative Dearomatization
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