About the Author
David Kaeli received a BS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers University, and an MS in Computer Engineering from Syracuse University. He is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs in the College of Engineering and a Full Processor on the ECE faculty at Northeastern University, Boston, MA where he directs the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Research Laboratory (NUCAR). Prior to joining Northeastern in 1993, Kaeli spent 12 years at IBM, the last 7 at T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.
Dr. Kaeli has co-authored more than 200 critically reviewed publications. His research spans a range of areas including microarchitecture to back-end compilers and software engineering. He leads a number of research projects in the area of GPU Computing. He presently serves as the Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Architecture. Dr. Kaeli is an IEEE Fellow and a member of the ACM.