Elsevier · Stracher, Prakash, Sokol: Coal and Peat Fires · Welcome


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This site was curated by Glenn B. Stracher

Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective Volume 3: Case Studies - Coal Fires, presents a fascinating collection of research about prehistoric and historic coal and peat fires. Magnificent illustrations of fires and research findings from countries around the world are featured—a totally new contribution to science.

This third of four volumes in the collection, Case Studies – Coal Fires, examines in detail specific coal fires chronicled in a number of locations around the world including Brazil, the Czech Republic, Germany, Malawi, Poland, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan, the United States, Venezuela, and others.

This site offers two additional case studies to enhance the content of the text:

  • The Occurrence and Use of Coal Cinders in Washington State, USA
    By William Kombol and Daniel H. Vice
  • Illustrations of Venezuelan Coal-Fires
    By Manuel David Soto and Franco Urbani

This companion website also houses a data repository and a collection of presentations and videos on coal and peat fires. Also be sure to check out the Interactive Map of Coal and Peat Fires created by Rudiger Gens.

This is the companion site for Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, Volume 3. For companion sites of other volumes, use the following links:

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Stracher & Prakash & Sokol: Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective Volume 1: Coal - Geology and Combustion

Stracher & Prakash & Sokol: Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective Volume 2: Photographs and Multimedia Tours