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Pattern Recognition

About this Companion Site

This is a companion site for Pattern Recognition

Proof of Equation

Pattern Recognition Demo

(prdemo ver 1.2)

This demo includes a set of MATLAB examples, associated with the book Pattern Recognition. The demo is being used only for educational purposes in the dept. of Informatics, University of Athens.

The (prdemo ver 1.2) includes two demonstrations

  • a) Neural Networks : The purpose of this demo is to help the student to understand the use andbehavior of the backpropagation algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons.

  • To run this demo you must have access to the Neural Network toolbox V3.0.

  • b) Speech Recognition : The purpose of this demo is to help the student to grasp the basics of a speech recognition task, in the context of an isolated word recognition example.

  • To run this demo you must have access to the Image and Signal processing toolbox.

  • c) Support Vector Machines (SVMs) : The purpose of this demo is to help the student to understand the use andbehavior of a SVM algorithm for classification.


The demo is compatible with Matlab versions 5.1 or higher andit is included in a single file.
  • 1) Clickhereto download the demo (prdemo.zip ver 1.2).
  • 2) Unzip prdemo.zip.
  • 3) Read README.TXT for further instructions.
  • Download MATLAB Demo

    The following files can be used in conjunction with figures 8.5, 8.6, and problem 8.3.

    Speech Segments

    The following files can be used in conjunction with figures 8.5, 8.6, and problem 8.3.

    Test Images

    Powerpoint Lecture Slides


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    The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document. This document may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions:

    All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included;
    All copies must contain the appropriate copyright notice and any other notices provided therein; and
    This document may not be distributed for profit.