N. L. Gage, Stanford University, USA
This updated second edition promises to be even more useful to the educational and scholarship community around the world. Drawing upon highly respected scholars in all the multifarious areas of education — ranging from the most technical empirical methods to the broadest aspects of educational policy making — this work can serve as the reference of first resort for both newcomers and veterans.
Maurice Galton, University of Leicester, UK
Such has been the rapid pace of change in education during the last decade that there is little need for the editors-in-chief of The International Encyclopedia of Education to justify a substantially rewritten second edition ten years, after the first. In recent years key areas such as curriculum, economics of education, evaluation and measurement, and, in particular, developments in teaching and teacher education, have all undergone substantial change. The Encyclopedia provides authoritative and well-researched surveys of these fields. The Encyclopedia should serve two particular audiences well. The first is the general readership of teachers in education faculties and their students requiring up-to-date overviews of developments in a particular field. The Encyclopedia will also be of great value to researchers because it provides, in ways not available elsewhere, an international perspective on current work. The last decade has shown us that many education problems are common to most countries, and educational research is increasingly being carried out within an international cooperatvive framework. The Encyclopedia should act as a further stimulus and provide invaluable support for these endeavours. I welcome its publication and will make use of it.
W. F. Connell, The University of Sydney, Australia
This splendid second edition of The International Encyclopedia of Education is more than just a learned report on what has been happening in education. It is also formative and judgemental, and this is its real significance. The great merit of this Encyclopedia lies in its constructiveness. It helps to establish the foundations of the study of education — by being factual, reflective, and evaluative in a comprehensive way. Users of the Encyclopedia can see some of the best minds in each field selecting and assessing, in Matthew Arnold's words, "the best that has been said and thought" in those areas.
International Journal of Educational Development, 1994
... should be available in any self-respecting library with an interest in education ... Not only is it beautifully produced, but the cross-referencing between articles, the excellent development of themes and topics, and the extremely useful Volume 12, consisting of a list of contributors, subject and name indices, and the classified list of entries, make this a very user-friendly encyclopedia ... immensely readable ... informative and up-to-date.
Choice, October 1994
The 2nd edition is even more impressive [than the first] and must be viewed as a premier resource when judged on virtually every criteria applied to a reference work.
ARBA, Philip G. Altbach, 1995
... without question, the most complete and comprehensive reference source in the English language on education. ... The authors are among the top scholars in their fields, and they bring authority as well as knowledge to their subjects ...outstanding in their coverage of complex and rapidly changing disciplines. ... The entries are benchmarks for research as they are, generally, excellent, state-of-the-art discussions ... superbly edited, well organized, thoughtfully indexed, and clearly written.
Oxford Review of Education, David Phillips, 1995
... will be welcomed by those scholars of education who have come to rely on the Encyclopedia as an accessible first point of reference in their day-to-day work. ... Some 90% of the entries have been newly commissioned, with a rather larger percentage of new contributors. The work is therefore more than a substantial revision: it is effectively new ... the coverage of IEE is quite remarkable ... of high scholarly quality, not condescending in style, up-to-date, meticulously referenced and including a bibliography ... The main strength of the second edition of this remarkable publication lies in its proven ability to provide a quick and reliable introduction to most topics in education on which the specialist, the student, and the casual inquirer are likely to require information. ... While still finding the first edition of IEE of use, I have been using the second edition for several months now and have found it to be quite invaluable for my own purposes and for those of students. ... It is a most welcome successor to the first edition, and is likely to be a standard source of reference for many years to come.
International Review of Education, Christopher McIntosh et al., 1995
"It should be emphasized that this work is not merely an updating of the old edition. Ninety percent of the articles and contributors are new, commensurate with the wide-ranging changes and developments that have taken place in the interval. ... For anyone concerned with education, this highly user-friendly publication will be immensely valuable as a research tool, an information source, and a stimulus to deeper study."
J. Gordon Brewer, Librarian, Institute of Education, University of London, 1995
Overall this is a very successful updating of an already proven reference work, the new edition maintaining and if anything improving on the high standards set by the original ... an authoritative, well-balanced and well produced reference source which should be treated with respect as a major contribution in its field.
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