Software Engineering Courses

Software Design Methodology: From Principles to Architectural Styles

Software Design Methodology
From Principles to Architectural Styles

Hong Zhu
ISBN: 9780750660754
Copyright 2005

Exploring the theory of software architecture and concentrating on general design principles rather than specific methods, Software Design Methodology helps students to analyze and evaluate software architectural designs, whilst broadening their knowledge of large-scale software systems. Numerous case studies and examples demonstrate how important factors, such as globalization, modeling, coding, testing and maintenance, need to be addressed when creating a modern information system.

Written with an emphasis on high level design for software engineering and computer science undergraduates and graduates on Msc conversion courses, the book also includes advanced topics suitable for postgraduate courses. Each chapter contains expected learning outcomes, a summary of key points and exercise questions to test knowledge and skills... [more]

Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic Debugging

Why Programs Fail, 2nd Edition
A Guide to Systematic Debugging

Andreas Zeller
ISBN: 9780123745156
Copyright 2009

Why Programs Fail, winner of the Jolt Productivity Award, has been freshly updated to bring readers up-to-speed on all the new methodologies that will help save them, their companies, and consumers a lot of headaches. Find out about bugs in computer programs, how to find them, how to reproduce them, and how to fix them in such a way that they do not occur anymore. A new edition of the first comprehensive book on systematic debugging, covers a wide range of tools and techniques ranging from hands-on observation to fully automated diagnoses, and includes instructions for building automated debuggers. This discussion is built upon a solid theory of how failures occur and how to fix them, rather than relying on seat-of-the-pants techniques, which are of little help with large software systems or to those learning to program... [more]

Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach

Practical Model-Based Testing
A Tools Approach

Mark Utting
Bruno Legeard
ISBN: 9780123725011
Copyright 2007

Practical Model-Based Testing gives a practical introduction to model-based testing. This book shows how to write models for testing purposes and how to use model-based testing tools to generate test suites. The book focuses on the mainstream practice of functional black-box testing and covers different styles of models, especially transition-based models (UML state machines) and pre/post models (UML/OCL specifications and B notation). The steps of applying model-based testing are demonstrated on examples and case studies from a variety of software domains, including embedded software and information systems... [more]

Software Engineering Courses
To find textbooks click the course headings below.

Introduction to Programming (CS1) courses:

  • C# Programming - Introductory
  • FORTRAN — Programming
  • Java — Programming for Technology

Intermediate/Advanced Programming courses:

  • Java — Intermediate / Advanced Programming

Other Programming Languages courses:

  • PL/1—Programming
  • Other Languages — Programming

Algorithms/Advanced Data Structures (CS7) courses:

  • Java — Algorithms

Compilers courses:

  • Compiler Construction

Object-Oriented Programming courses:

  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Operating Systems (OS) courses:

  • Operating Systems (OS)
  • Distributed Systems

Parallel Computing courses:

  • Parallel Algorithms
  • Parallel Computing
  • Parallel Programming / Concurrent Programming

Programming Languages and Theory courses:

  • Programming Languages / Comparative Languages
  • Theory of Programming Languages

Software Engineering courses:

  • Programming Methodology
  • Software Reliability
  • Software Testing and Verification

Web Programming and Design

  • PERL — Programming

Other courses:

  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Systems Analysis and Design — Advanced
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