Elsevier · Singh, Heldman: Introduction to Food Engineering, 5th Editionth Edition · Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Fluid Flow in Food Processing

Video—Removing lid from the lobe-type positive displacement pump

Animation—Figure 2.8 (a) A steel block enclosed between two plates. (b) A fluid enclosed between two plates.

Animation—Figure 2.9 Illustration of drag generated on underlying cards as the top card in a deck is moved. This is analogous to the movement of the top layer of a fluid.

Calculator—Example 2.1 Predict the Viscosity of a Liquid Food

Calculator—Example 2.3 Predict Average Velocity and Mass Flow Rate of Beer

Animation—Figure 2.13 Laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow in a pipe.

Calculator—Example 2.4 Predict Maximum Time to Fill a Tank

Calculator—Example 2.5 Predict the Velocity when Air and Water Flow Convert From Laminar to Transitional

Calculator—Example 2.6 Predict the Fraction of Pipe that Represents the Entrance Region

Calculator—Example 2.7 Predict Velocities in a Cylindrical Pipe

Animation—Figure 2.16 The Moody diagram for the Fanning friction factor. Equivalent roughness for new pipes (ε in meters): cast iron, 259×10−6; drawn tubing, 1.5235×10−6, galvanized iron, 152×10−6; steel or wrought iron, 45.7×10−6.

Calculator—Example 2.9 Predict Discharge Velocity of Wine and the Time Required to Empty the Tank

Calculator—Example 2.10 Predict Maximum Height of Hill to Siphon Water Without Cavitation, T = 30C

Calculator—Example 2.11 Predict Power Requirements of a Pump

Animation—Figure 2.21 A centrifugal pump.

Calculator—Example 2.14 Predict Pump Suitability using Available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSHA)

Calculator—Example 2.16 Predict Pump Performance if Operated at 3500 rpm

Animation—Figure 2.35 A pitot tube used to measure velocity of a fluid flowing in a pipe.

Calculator—Example 2.17 Predict Velocity of Water Flow in a Pipe

Animation—Figure 2.36 An orifice plate used to measure fluid flow.

Calculator—Example 2.19 Predict the Viscosity of Honey

Calculator—Example 2.20 Predict the Liquid Viscosity

Animation—Figure 2.46 Plot of velocity ratio vs generalized Reynolds numbers.

Calculator—Example 2.23 Predict Flow Properties of a Non-Newtonian Fluid

Calculator—Example 2.24 Predict Pumping Requirements

Video—A vane-type anemometer being used to measure air speed

Virtual Experiment—Temperature Sensors — Response Time of Thermocouples