Elsevier · Singh, Heldman: Introduction to Food Engineering, 5th Editionth Edition · Calculators


Chapter 1. Introduction

Calculator—Example 1.1 Conversions from English Units to SI Units

Calculator—Example 1.4 Convert Moisture Content from % Wet Basis to % Dry Basis

Chapter 2. Fluid Flow in Food Processing

Calculator—Example 2.1 Predict the Viscosity of a Liquid Food

Calculator—Example 2.3 Predict Average Velocity and Mass Flow Rate of Beer

Calculator—Example 2.4 Predict Maximum Time to Fill a Tank

Calculator—Example 2.5 Predict the Velocity when Air and Water Flow Convert From Laminar to Transitional

Calculator—Example 2.6 Predict the Fraction of Pipe that Represents the Entrance Region

Calculator—Example 2.7 Predict Velocities in a Cylindrical Pipe

Calculator—Example 2.9 Predict Discharge Velocity of Wine and the Time Required to Empty the Tank

Calculator—Example 2.10 Predict Maximum Height of Hill to Siphon Water Without Cavitation, T = 30C

Calculator—Example 2.11 Predict Power Requirements of a Pump

Calculator—Example 2.14 Predict Pump Suitability using Available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSHA)

Calculator—Example 2.16 Predict Pump Performance if Operated at 3500 rpm

Calculator—Example 2.17 Predict Velocity of Water Flow in a Pipe

Calculator—Example 2.19 Predict the Viscosity of Honey

Calculator—Example 2.20 Predict the Liquid Viscosity

Calculator—Example 2.23 Predict Flow Properties of a Non-Newtonian Fluid

Calculator—Example 2.24 Predict Pumping Requirements

Chapter 3. Resource Sustainability

Calculator—Example 3.1 Predict the Volume and Enthalpy of Steam

Calculator—Example 3.2 Predict Mass and Volume Flow Rates of Steam

Calculator—Example 3.3 Predict Enthalpy Values of Saturated and Superheated Steam

Chapter 4.Heat Transfer in Food Processing

Calculator—Example 4.1 Predict Cooling Load in Walk-In Chamber Caused by Heat Evolution

Calculator—Example 4.2 Predict thermal conductivity

Calculator—Example 4.7 Predict the Rate of Heat Transfer using the Thermal Resistance Concept

Calculator—Example 4.8 Predict Required Insulation Thickness to Maintain Heat Transfer Rate through Wall

Calculator—Example 4.9 Predict the Temperature of the Interface Between Steel and Insulation

Calculator—Example 4.11 Predict the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient

Calculator—Example 4.12 Predict the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient

Calculator—Example 4.16 Predict Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Heat Loss from 1 Meter Long Pipe

Calculator—Example 4.18A Predict Heat Exchanger Conditions for Counterflow and Parallel-flow Configurations

Calculator—Example 4.18B Predict Heat Exchanger Conditions for Counterflow and Parallel-flow Configurations

Calculator—Example 4.19 Predict Average Overall and Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients

Calculator—Example 4.23 Predict the Radiative Heat Transfer Received

Calculator—Example 4.24 Predict Temperature During Heating of Tomato Juice

Calculator—Example 4.33 Predict the Depth Below the Surface at which Microwave Power is 1/2 Incident Power

Chapter 6. Refrigeration

Calculator—Example 6.3 Predict Conditions of Cold Storage Room Using a Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System (R-134a)

Calculator—Example 6.5 Predict Conditions of Cold Storage Room Using a Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System (Ammonia)

Calculator—Example 6.6A Predict Conditions of Cold Storage Room Using a Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System (R-134a)

Calculator—Example 6.6B Predict Conditions of Cold Storage Room Using a Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System (Ammonia, R-717)

Chapter 7. Food Freezing

Calculator—Example 7.1 Predict Freezing Time using Plank's equation

Calculator—Example 7.2 Predict Freezing time using Pham's method

Calculator—Example 7.3 Predict shape factor of a solid object

Chapter 8. Evaporation

Chapter 9. Psychrometrics

Calculator—Example 9.1 Predict the Specific Volume of Air

Calculator—Example 9.3 Predict Psychrometric Properties

Calculator—Example 9.4 Predict Psychrometric Properties

Calculator—Example 9.5 Predict Psychrometric Properties

Chapter 10. Mass Transfer

Calculator—Example 10.1 Predict Rate of Water Evaporation

Calculator—Example 10.2 Predict Rate of Water Evaporation Using Partial Pressures

Calculator—Example 10.4 Predict the Mass Transfer Coefficient

Chapter 11. Membrane Separation

Calculator—Example 11.1 Predict the Osmotic Pressure of Orange Juice Using the Van't Hoff Equation

Calculator—Example 11.2 Predict the Osmotic Pressure of Orange Juice using the Gibb's Relationship

Calculator—Example 11.3 Predict the Water Flux Through an Ultrafiltration Membrane and Length of Membrane Tube

Chapter 12. Dehydration

Calculator—Example 12.1 Predict Water Activity and Moisture Content of a Product in Two Different Environments

Calculator—Example 12.2 Predict the Time when the Falling-Rate Drying Period Begins

Calculator—Example 12.6 Predict Falling-Rate Drying Time of a Noodle

Calculator—Example 12.8 Predict the Drying Time for Coffee Concentrate

Chapter 13. Supplemental Processes

Calculator—Example 13.1 Constant- Rate Filtration

Calculator—Example 13.2 Constant- Pressure Filtration

Calculator—Example 13.6 Centrifugal Separation

Chapter 14. Extrusion Processes for Foods

Calculator—Example 14.1 Mass flow rate of extrudatte through a die
