Elsevier · Goodman, Kuniavsky, Moed: Observing the User Experience, 2nd Edition · Object-Based Techniques

Object-Based Techniques

The MakeTools website has a number of useful overviews. It includes a good argument for why you might want to use these techniques:

Sanders, E. From User-Centered to Participatory Design Approaches
as well as videos of these techniques in use in workshops

Photo elicitation

Supplementary reading

Harper, D. (2002). Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation. Visual Studies. 17(1).


Collier, J. and Collier, M. (1986). Visual Anthropology: Photograph As a Research Method. University of Minnesota Press.
An in-depth discussion of the use of photography in ethnographic work. Scholarly, but extremely useful for anyone interested in why and how to use photographs for documentation or in interviewing.


Woelfer, J.P. Trouble-spotting Photoshows: Capturing Everyday HCI Experiences.

Card sorting

Supplementary reading

Michael Hawley. UXMatters. Extending Card-Sorting Techniques to Inform the Design of Web Site Hierarchies. .

Tools and resources

Card sorting spreadsheets

Joe Lamantia's spreadsheet template.
A useful Excel spreadsheet with detailed instructions for putting it to work.


Donna Spencer’s spreadsheet template.
Another effective spreadsheets that comes with detailed instructions.

Card sorting software

Donna Spencer maintains a useful list.

Sample documents

Sample checklist for field site visit with mapping exercise.

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